Welcome to our Grand Rounds for the nonprofit Gymnastics Medicine: Education and Research:
Topic: Low Back Pain in gymnastics
Description: Join our multidisciplinary team of Gymnastics Medicine experts as we explore a gymnast with back pain! We will break down the anatomy of the back, review over common signs and symptoms, perform a physical exam, explain diagnostic tests, and review over common back injuries that occur in gymnastics. Included in this are the best back physical therapy and strength and conditioning exercises, not just for injured backs, but also to prevent back injuries. You will also hear about nutrition and mental toughness considerations and learn how to return to gymnastics after a back injury!
Target audience: Gymnasts, parents, coachesGymnasts, parents, coac
More about Gymnastics Medicine: Education and Research:
- Our vision is that we are a non-profit, comprised of a collaborative team of specialized, healthcare experts who drive research, evidence-based outcomes, and education around gymnastics-specific injuries to transform the diagnosis, treatment, and preventative care of gymnasts.
- Our mission is to be a collaborative team of gymnasts, parents, coaches, and healthcare providers, providing the most up to date evidence-based education/information and research on gymnastics specific injuries, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and care of gymnasts.
Working Board and Featured Speakers 2021:
- Dr Emily Sweeney, MD, FAAP
- Dr. Shannon Bauman, MD, CCFP(SEM), Dip. Sport Med.
- Dr. Alyssa Herrera-Set PT, DPT, SCS, PMA-CPT
- Jamie Broz MEd, ATC
- Kerry Bair RD, LDN, MPH, CHES
- Dr. Jenny Borda PT, DPT
- Dr. Diana Lattimore, PhD, CMPC
- Elizabeth Melvin PT, OCS, CSCS
- Dr. Elspeth (Elly) Hart, DScPAS, PA-C, MPAS, ATC, LAT
Executive Board Members 2021:
- Samantha Peszek
- Cale Robinson
- Kerry Salerno and Riley Salerno
- Dr. Thomas Gill
- Dr. Ellen Casey
- Dr. Elspeth (Elly) Hart, DScPAS, PA-C, MPAS, ATC, LAT